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Ingenious ways to reuse your Guild box

With our new Guild boxes, recycling is one option, but before breaking down those boxes, check out these ideas that repurpose cardboard into something useful, fun or beautiful.

Turn it into a mini-garden

Cut off the top of the cardboard box and line the bottom with plastic. Fill it with soil and plant some herbs or small plants.

Create a playhouse for kids

Cut out windows and doors, paint it in bright colors, and add some cushions and blankets to make a cozy play area.

Make a DIY bookshelf

Attach multiple boxes together with glue to create a unique bookshelf.

Use it as a storage container

Use it to store clothes, toys, or other items.

Create a birdhouse

Cut out a small hole in the front of the box and attach a perch. Hang it outside for the birds to enjoy.

Make a pet bed

Cut off one side of the box and add a soft cushion or pillow inside. Your pet will love their cozy new bed.

Turn it into a gift box

Use the box to wrap up a present.

Use it as coasters

Cut up the box in small squares and repurpose them as disposable coasters.

Create a cord holder

To keep small cords organized by putting paper towel rolls vertically in the box until full. Place a single small cord in each tube.

Make a dispenser box

Cut a hole in the top of the box as big as your hand, place your plastic bags in them and close the box. You can pull out one bag at a time as you need it.

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